Black Beluga Lentil Salad with Ham and Kale

I have been MIA in the Cuizoo world lately.  Sorry about that.  It's the strangest thing with this stage of life and motherhood (or maybe parenting older children in general) . . . I feel like I never have a minute to rest, yet I never have anything to show for it.  I'm not closing … Continue reading Black Beluga Lentil Salad with Ham and Kale

Rustic Ham, Bean, and Spring Green Soup

Our spring this year has been very dreary.  And cold.  And cloudy.  Actually that is pretty typical, I think.  We get one sunny day and I am nearly manic -- excited to exercise and clean and parent with limitless energy.  But then we have to endure at least three cloudy and cold days because of … Continue reading Rustic Ham, Bean, and Spring Green Soup